The Midas Press goes bust blog...

I have set up this blog so that past customers, users, employees and suppliers and local people of Farnborough can post their reactions and disapointment about Midas Press going bust.

It maybe that there are other employees with grievances against the owners - Partners Derek Jarman, Daren Carter and the very junior and jumped up partner Steve Oliver. It may also be that you are one of our past and very prestigious customers that we used to do work for? may be that you are a supplier who Midas Press hasn't paid for months and months whilst (possibly) the partners have been paying themselves! Anyway, feel free to comment - this is an open forum and all opinions are welcome - although please bear in mind that we don't want anything defamatory or libellous said.

We are particularly looking forward to comments from the partners themselves.


Merchants get tough on Phoenix firms - like hell!

8th February 2010 - Printweek has published an article about paper merchants supporting Phoenix firms like Midas Press PLC - and you should see some of the comments on the blog - hilarious.

One of the crackers is David Allen (pictured), UK regional president for parent company Paperlinx, said phoenix companies can use their unfair advantage to lower market prices or take market share."We also regard bad debt as outstanding debt and wouldn't trade with people that don't pay what they owe," he said. Some of the people contibuting to the blog obviously think he's related to the deceased irish comedian of the same name - but he really was funny.

Is this because he has to explain a £580,000 pound loss to his Australian bosses at Paperlinx?
Have a laugh:

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